By Jo Mary Watson

Currently in our house (used or not used)
Colouring books: 5, 100 pages each
Notepads: 10, 100 pages each
Notebooks: 12, 190 pages each
5 x 100 = 500
10 x 100 = 1000
12 x 190 = 2280
3780 sheets of paper’

— Jo Mary Watson

Just what do you do with the amount of used, discarded or wasted paper that fills our homes and lives?

One answer is to recycle it. So it can be used again.

Below, you can find a video and PDF Guide to Making Your own Paper from… your own used paper, written by Jo.

From her own recycled paper, Jo has also crafted a simply beautiful collection of wholesome, nourishing Activity Cards for young people and families. You can download a PDF Activity Booklet below.

There is an activity for each month — complete with hand-drawn illustrations with hand-written instructions. On hand-made paper.

Paperlife Activity Booklet
Papermaking Guide